Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Book of Zern - 2020

1. And there did commence a great plague in that selfsame year, that did spread forth throughout the land, first coming to Santa Clara county in the land westward, even California, arriving there from those strangers that did travel much, back and forth, from the mysterious land of China.
2. And it came to pass, that Sherwood, even the patriarch of our tribe, did find himself in the land of San Francisco in the beginning of that selfsame great year of the plague, even 2020, having traveled far to work and wander about the wilderness of the Oracle cafeteria werein he wore no mask or gloves or had knowledge of the afore mentioned danger.
3. Thus he did bring forth a wicked cough.
4. Which he carried back to our tribe. He did inquire of his physician about this most annoying of coughs, being told that he dideth have but a virus and to go home and live. 
 5. And thus he did live.
6. But then the plague did wax sore in our home, making me think that I had a most unusual cold that dideth linger for weeks upon weeks, and not knowing that I shouldest give up all hope, I did eat much of Cuban chicken soup brought forth by a loving ministering angel that dideth cause my recovery. And I did give thanks and live.
 7. And then the plague did continue sore throughout all the land and men’s hearts did fail them in all manner of ways.
8. Yet our tribe did continue to live; to mourn with those that mourn; and to pray for those whose hearts did faileth them; especially when the paper used much in the potty did disappear from all corners of the land.
 9. And Aric, even the eldest, did go forth, he and his family, from the land of many seasons to settle southward in the land of bridges and beaches, there to finish his twenty years serving both his country and kith and kin. He made much of his chances and sought to finish both his education and his career.
 10. In the year of the plague, the Stahles did continue in their way of homeschooling, working from home, and walking much through the land wherein they did dwell. And their eldest did practice much of driving and their youngest continue to toddle forth his diapers being full. And their mother did continue teaching the children of her people the joy of dancing in a barn.
11. But it was the Lorance family that did seek to prosper in the land westward, even Texas, having moved to a larger dwelling and acquired a dog that dideth ingest much of socks and Barbie doll clothing; seeking truth both by learning and by study.
12. And the youngest, even Adam of the tribe Zern, did find his habitation also in the central plains of the land known as the land of flowers, even Florida. He sought much education and his wife did edit much of my works, school her children in the art of living, and continue to improve both hearth and home.
13. And thus we see that living was not ended in the year of the plague but didest continue with the help of both the spirit of discernment and the spirit of faith, hope, and charity.
14. And so I make an end. Wishing many and every that they might find their way as pleasant as we do find our way.         

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