Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Here Comes the "Near Future"

Prepper fiction is a genre of literature that happens in the "near future." It's a form of dystopian, science fiction which details the realistic conflicts of grid collapse, societal chaos, and anarchy brought on by various catastrophes. Prepper fiction is fiction that could happen--tomorrow. Near future. Less fantasy and more reality based it is a genre that many readers find disturbing, to say the least.

This is a world that could happen, would happen, and has happened. See: Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Darfur, to name a few . . .

My newest short story is a grid collapse scenario from the point of view of a child, Darby Summerlin. The Strandline Series: Beyond the Strandline (Book I) & Following the Strandline (Book II) examines life and survival seven years after the event horizon . . .

Storm, Darby's Chickens & Puppies are prequel, short story tie-ins detailing both the horrors and the triumphs of Darby and her family . . . Find these and more @

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